In The News

In The News

Free Clinic Launched in St. Louis

The Association of Pakistani-descent Physicians of North America launched its free clinic for the community of greater St. Louis on September 11, 2011. The leaders

NHF’s Flood Relief Campaign

National Health Forum directly and indirectly contributed over $30,000 for the relief campaign for the flood victims of Sind. Association of Pakistani Physicians (APPNA) matched

Why Health Services Are Important

Why Health Service Is Important: A Basic Guide

Any flourishing civilization is dependent mainly on health services. These services guarantee that individuals can lead healthy, successful lives by providing necessary care, disease prevention,

Is Mental Health Taken Seriously in Pakistan

Is Mental Health Taken Seriously in Pakistan?

Although our general well-being depends much on mental health, in many nations—including Pakistan—it sometimes receives the necessary attention and raises a question: is mental health